College 100 Freshman Seminar Fall 1997 D.DODD


9-29-1997  Journal One "Positive Learning Experience" teachers note:  "Charles, I hope school works out for you.

    Having experienced much negative and little positive encounter, it has been very hard for me to tell of something I learned that was positive.  But the one thing I learned is how you can become like those your around, be it good or bad.

    During and after high school I slowly got involved with drugs and the people who dealt them.  I learned that my mother drank heavily while I was in her womb and figured that I was doomed I first learned what a hangover was the summer before my freshman year of high school, after a close friend and I downed a fith of vodka.  I first tried to marijuana at the end of my freshman year, but never purchased it at that time.  But for some reason I kept good grades.  I love school, for I loved to learn.  I got my first job when I was fifteen years old my sophomore year of high school.  I didn't have much friends, but just the ones that shared the habit of "Marry Jane".  My life was great, good grades party, hobbies, everything I ever wanted, I bought a car, stereo, guitar, computers, went to concerts.  Then something happened.  Stres build between my mother and self.  She wanted me controlled.  She wouldn't let me grow or do the things I wanted.  Plus she didn't get child support for me, and kicked me out my house after I checked  my credit record and found she was using my name to pay some of the bills.  But before I was kicked out on to my bare feet, my mother helped me have a nervous breakdown.  For I was excepted to the UW but had no money.  She spent my college savings on drugs and her boy friends.  Then I followed her footsteps and did the same with my money.  Opps!     

    After being kicked out and having to find out how to survive, I realized I wasn't prepared and that I know nothing about life.  The realization that I know nothing flooded my mind.  My father happened to get divorced the second time.  He found a house to rent.  Financial aide fell through and I ended up going to school, But my mind was not set, and it seemed to me at the time that it would be easier to be lazy!  Then I dropped out of the UW my aristocratic family asked why I dropped out.  I at this time can't express the period of time that my mind decided to stop learning, but I did!  After thinking back to the time, for a duration of three weeks, I spent my time in a drug house doing the absolute wrong thing.  I learned that those you associate with can and will reflect on to your, especially if your foolish enough to trust them.  In my case, I didn't know who to trust for all my good friends where controlled substance abusers like myself, but I went out of control!  

I wished knew how to say so.

9-23-1997    Journal TWO "Positive Learning Experience ..Stolen car two years later"

    Since I dropped out of the University of Washington to be a drug addict, nothing much as to positive happened except for when my vehicle was stolen on April of 21st.  The individual who seems to still roam free to hurt and destroy, goes by the name of Danny Zuifeldt.  His ability to impress and conceive other to follow him is immaculate studied down to a tree.  He took my car keys and drove off in my car calling me many times to make sure I didn't call the police.  I was stuck in hell!

    You see!  Danny Zuifeldt was the one who really turned me on to the drugs.  I didn't have the power and self respect to "just say no".  But after I learned the night he took my car, what a lying, swindling, piece of rubbish he is, I finally said no!  When I wake at a strangers house from my depressed intoxicated state, I dialed the police.  The officer on the phone wouldn't take my report.  Then Realized that the keys he has are to my house.  I rushed home on the bus a ride of two hours.  Then I realized I was in a bad situation.  What was I going to do?  I know for sure my father would kick me out and with no caror means of transportation, how was I suppose to get to work?  The levels of stress increased minute after minute.  Unable to report my car stolen, I thought hard.  Weell I picked up a pen and wrote what I thought was a descent police report.  Then I typed it out and called the police officers to report my car stolen.  It was to, the police wanted me to bring the report in.  I couldn't leave the house due to MR Zueifeldt and my house keys.  I had my neighbors watch my house as I asked them for help.  They gave me a rid to the station.  After reporting the car stolen a wave of relief went through my head.  The police report was quite long and I laughed to myself as the officer did what I wanted.  When I get home I get phone calls from the guy with my car.  He told me "Chuck","When I see you it's all over"  The police found my car nine days later.  The positive thing about the little episode was that I didn't kill myself that night undergoing deep depression and found with power of the pen and mind you can accomplish anything that you want too.

    Since April 21st, 1997  I have changed drastically, almost to who I was before I was introduced to drugs my freshman year of high school. 
